
the Dragon Ball game is also developed which has won a big amount of followers

Apart from animation, the Dragon Ball game is also developed which has won a big amount of followers. Much like the previous games in this series, it takes place within the Dragon Ball Z storyline. Many fans will no doubt enjoy the references throughout the game. What is more, casual players will soon get loss in a mist of confusing plot holes.
 Probably the most attracting element is the inclusion of side-quest and extended stories not mentioned in the Dragon Ball Z storyline. It allows players to take a break from the linear path setout for them and allows for a little freedom.
   Following animations and games, Dragon Ball Z action figures are produced to satisfy those fans. We have the characters like  Saiya Vegeta, Tenkaichi, Goku Vegito Dragon Ball Z action figures. You can pick up whatever you like.  


Dragon Ball Z action figure

